Techmation Electric & Controls Ltd.’s combustion service division employs trained and licensed Journeyman Gasfitters in Alberta and Saskatchewan to provide quality services in the oil and gas industry related to the B-149.1-10 gas code. Techmation partners with our clients to ensure they are informed and their facilities meet code requirements.
We provide turnkey solutions to install new Burner Management Systems, upgrade existing appliances or modify appliances to meet current B-149.1 and B-149.3 gas code regulations. Our gasfitters are experienced in all Burner Management Systems and are able to install and commission all certified controllers. We coordinate the field approval through the inspecting bodies in Alberta to certify each appliance that Techmation installs and commissions. Our gasfitters are able to do site inspections, make recommendations and install Burner Management Systems controllers, code compliant valve trains with all certified safety shut downs, flame arrested housings, new burner/pilot assemblies on the following appliances:
- Dehydrators
- Treaters
- Free Water Knock Outs
- Glycol Re-Boilers
- Salt Baths
- Single Well Tanks
- Line Heaters
For Combustion Services, please contact us at: