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“Autism, seeing the world from a different angle.”

The Techmation Dawson Creek Team was honored to have taken part in The Ecole Frank PAC Autism Awareness Campaign. Field employees made a cash donation towards a new inclusive and accessible playground. A gift basket for the Autism Awareness Banquet Silent Auction was also donated by office staff.

#autismawarenessbanquet #autismawarenessmonth

Pictures Clockwise from top Left: Amy - Ecole Frank Ross PAC, Jessie, James & Kon from our Electrical Team, and Blayne, Tarun, Femjohn, Jason & Jessie from our Instrumentation team!

Vote 2019

Are you planning to Vote in this coming Federal election? If not, we strongly encourage you to do so. You’re important and deserve to be heard.
Mark your calendars - Monday, October 21st.

Advance voting takes place on (Fri, October 11th – Mon, October 14th, 2019).

Be sure to register to receive your ballot before October 13th.

Go to to register.

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Kudos to our Brooks Shop! Their customer appreciation day fundraiser on Friday, September 20, 2019 raised $5,645. To date they have raised $27,000 for the local Canadian Tire Jumpstart program in Brooks. A great program with 100% of proceeds staying in the community helping kids with funding for sports. Great job Brooks!

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Techmation was proud to be a part of the 2019 Calgary Women in Energy charity golf scramble. Thanks to all the organizers for putting on a great event for a greater cause. Amazing to see the community come together in uncertain times. The weather held off just enough to let everybody finish their round.#cwiegolf2019 #childrenscottagesociety #oilandgas #calgarywomeninenergy

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It was a great day to give back to a fantastic company, IPL, a long term client that has trusted Techmation with the maintenance of its facility for so many years. A big thank to you Innotech, a great contracting partner that helped us put on this awesome BBQ!

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