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Committed to Quality, Safety & Service! TM

“Autism, seeing the world from a different angle.”

The Techmation Dawson Creek Team was honored to have taken part in The Ecole Frank PAC Autism Awareness Campaign. Field employees made a cash donation towards a new inclusive and accessible playground. A gift basket for the Autism Awareness Banquet Silent Auction was also donated by office staff.

#autismawarenessbanquet #autismawarenessmonth

Pictures Clockwise from top Left: Amy - Ecole Frank Ross PAC, Jessie, James & Kon from our Electrical Team, and Blayne, Tarun, Femjohn, Jason & Jessie from our Instrumentation team!

Techmation continues to light the way.

Servicing Alberta Highways on the Trans-Canada and Highway#36 outside of Brooks.

Upgrading to new LED lighting.

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Techmation's Drumheller field office has been open since 2005. With over 16 years of experience in the industrial field and over 20 full time employees between our Drumheller and Stettler Branches.

Winter is around the corner, take advantage of our 24 hour on call service. Please reach out to our Drumheller office for any of your electrical or instrumentation construction, maintenance, shop services, emission reduction or meter proving needs. Call today (403) 823-7410.

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Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.

-Stephen Covey

We want to thank our global customers for all their support! Feel free to reach out to us at any time or email us at:

Because your success is our success!

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Techmation is proud to be a Respect in the Workplace Member since 2015.

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Solar Panels

Techmation is proud to have worked with the City of Airdrie using solar technology to monitor water levels.

Our experienced electricians fabricated and installed the control panel, installed the float sensors and the assembly of the solar panel in order to monitor the water level of the Nose Creek storm pond. Upon completion of this installation, the Nose Creek storm pond will operate efficiently with minimal annual maintenance required to achieve optimal levels.

Contact us today for your solar estimate!

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